Sunday, June 14, 2009

A little scripture for the soul....

1Chronicles 16:34 Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.

A Fresh Perspective

One nice thing about writing on this blog is that I look for things that fit into my theme and I'm constantly surprised by how much more observant I've been. Just the other day, for example, I witnessed a scene that in earlier days would have just annoyed me, but on this particular day, I was charmed.

Just a regular day at the grocery store for me, and I'm assuming, a regular day for the young mom and her little boy who are the stars of this story. She was pushing a cart heaped with a mountain of items and trailing along behind was pipsqueak. He was paying close attention to all of the yummy things that store stockers know the little ones will see and will beg for. Pipsqueak was doing his job just fine and was begging his mother for everything that wasn't nailed down. She was telling him no at the top of her lungs, and just to make sure he understood, would screech at him periodically and huff and puff. Of course I was thinking of my superior parenting abilities (sarc) and how I'd never, ever, talk to MY child that way in the middle of the store. (How quickly we forget, right?)

Anyway, Pipsqueak happened on some little jugs of blue juice and decided they were worth a shriek or two, so began to plead for them. Response: NO, NO, NO, I don't have any money, I'm not buying you anything else!!!! Oh, how much are they??? Only 5 for a dollar??? Ok, well then you can have 5. No more, just 5!!!

Pipsqueak saw the opportunity and put 5 in the cart, but ran right back for more. Double fisted, carrying two little jugs, he trotted back to the cart and went to put them in, but was forestalled by Shrieker. What? I told you only one more. Pipsqueak answered so innocently, I only have one. One in this hand and one in that hand.

Needless to say, I had to get out of there before I laughed out loud and destroyed this young mother's very tenable authority. I'm assuming Pipsqueak got his two extra juices and I got a lesson on perspective. After all, he did have only ONE jug. I see a law degree in his future.

The Days are Just Packed!

That's the title of one of the books my boys love. Calvin and Hobbes comics are the best and it's a shame there are no more new ones. That's not the heart of this post, though, but rather it's a commentary on my life these days.

Maybe I need to learn to say no, but in saying yes over the past couple of weeks, I have been tremendously blessed. From organizing the highschool track picnic to assisting in the planning of the baccalaureate service, to serving breakfast to graduating seniors, I've been hopping and could not be happier. During the months that BSF is in session, I limit my extra curricular activities so my focus can be on what God has called me to do at that point. When BSF is over, I can shift my focus and take on some other tasks and that's a little refreshing. This year I decided to help where I was needed, bloom where I was planted, make an impact in the area where God placed me. I've been planted squarely in the middle of a bunch of teens.

It's all good and I'm grateful that God has given me strength to do the tasks set before me. He's gifted me in a variety of ways and I'm not saying that to brag, but to acknowledge my strengths and thank Him for them. Maybe my biggest asset is to be like the Energizer Bunny and just go and go and go.

All that being said, I do look forward to the days that are a little slower. I'm not sure if I'll ever have a day like that again, but as long as I'm able, I'll try to serve with a smile on my face and be thankful that I'm able.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Sunny Days, Sweepin' the Clouds Away

I got a chance to spend a couple of hours outside this morning, finishing up some yard work. What an absolutely gorgeous day, one that reminds me of the summer days of my childhood. Then, we'd pack a picnic lunch, hop on our bikes and be gone forever. Now I'm not so free to ride off with a picnic, but digging in the dirt and setting out some beautiful plants is good too. I just had my picnic sandwich in the cool of the airconditioning so my perfect grownup morning was super.

Friday, May 29, 2009

God Ain't Done With Me Yet!

I had a difficult time feeling grateful yesterday. Tired, grumpy, name it, I felt it. I kept thinking of this blog and my commitment to think differently, kept trying to turn my thinking around, but couldn't quite do it, until I sat by the side of Jonathan and prayed with him and God changed my thinking. It's easier to be grateful when the focus shifts from the things that are so wrong to the things that are so right. Prayer is the key. Going to God, laying those bad things down and picking up the good things He offers is what makes the difference. Again, a lesson in realizing it sooner rather than later, and being thankful that God's not through with me yet.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A little bit of God's Word

“In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Jonathan's team won!

Going into tonight's game, our team had won a game, but lost 4. They are now at 2 and 4. Yippee! All the little squirts had a good game, scoring 13 runs altogether. Fun times too, sitting around making friends with the other moms. God is always so good to provide me with funny ladies who like to chat.